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Welcome Parents/Guardians! 

Most information you will need is available here on our website, but please feel free to contact us. Circle View is fortunate to have an incredibly active and supportive parent community, and we believe family participation is vital to a child’s educational success. There are a number of ways you can become involved. Please sign up to volunteer in the classroom; join the PTO; or help work on projects at home. Our PTO meets monthly and needs your help!

Student safety is our number one priority. All visitors, including volunteers, are required to sign-in and out at the office each day and have a prior appointment when going into the classrooms. Please check in at the office when entering campus during school/business hours. In addition, any items to be delivered to children should be left in the office, not taken directly to classrooms, i.e. money, lunches, homework, books, etc.

Thank you!