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Health Guidelines

Should I Keep My Sick Child at Home From School Today?

We know that when your child wakes up and appears not to be feeling well, you need to make a decision as to whether they should attend school or not. This is sometimes difficult when you only see your child for an hour or so before he or she must leave for school. Hopefully, the following guidelines will help in making your decision:

  • Fever: Any child with a temperature of 100° or more should be kept at home. Your child must be fever free for twenty-four hours without medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.) before he/she returns to school.
  • Colds: Your child may attend school with a mild cold if he/she seems well and is fever free. However, a child with a hacking cough or a persistent, runny nose and yellow-green mucus discharge belongs at home, even without a fever.
  • Rashes: Do not send your child to school with a rash unless there is a note from your physician stating that your child is not contagious. Your child may attend if you have already informed the school that he/she is under the care of a physician and shared what treatment is being given.
  • Vomiting: A child who vomits needs to be kept at home at least 24 hours.
  • Diarrhea: A child with diarrhea needs to be kept at home at least 24 hours.