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Positive Behaviors Integrated Supports (PBIS)

August 2024

Dear Circle View Parents,

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a school-wide strategy for ensuring that ALL students achieve important social learning goals by applying consistent positive reinforcements and fair consequences. We know that when good teaching and good behavior come together, our students excel in their learning. As you know, Circle View received silver recognition this past year. We are committed to receiving gold this year and platinum in the coming years. We are excited to be part of this initiative, which we call “SOAR.”

We have established clear expectations for behavior in all areas of the school. These expectations have been explicitly taught and will be reviewed often. We will reward students frequently with praise and prizes for their great behavior. These expectations will be clear and posted throughout the campus.

All Circle View students should be able to tell you about the four behavioral expectations.


    On Time

        Always Respectful

                Ready to Learn

By detailing expected behaviors and teaching students in a positive way, we provide a common language for everyone in our school, including teachers, front office, aides, librarians, and custodians. Students are acknowledged for exhibiting expected behaviors by receiving Wings awards, which are turned in for a weekly raffle. We also have SUPER Eagles which are given to classes when they are complimented by another adult for exhibiting SOAR expectations. We believe that by helping students practice good behavior, we will build a school community where all students learn in an environment where they can succeed.

Please take the opportunity to talk to your child about SOAR and the importance of demonstrating our school-wide expectations. With your continued support and involvement, Circle View will continue to be a school where students excel academically, behaviorally, and socially.


Julie Ernst, Principal

